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Manchester Museum

In December 2019, we have gone to visit three museums which are listed on the map given by my tutor for the purpose of the Exhibition Project in order to observe the example from the gallery. The two museums on the list are Manchester Art Gallery and Science & Industry Museum, they were museum about the design from the old days. Everyone was overwhelmed to see the previous design.

Visiting the Museum, I was able to see many design and model that I have never seen before which excites me a lot. It gives me a lot of knowledge concerning politics, drawing, the way to use suitable furniture and materials in the right place as well as industry knowledge, many valuable old things or works of art. The idea of the Exhibition Project comes from a little bit of each part that I have seen in the museum which helps me to complete the final design of the stand project. Moreover, I was able to design the stand easily from the knowledge of the exhibition and by reading the stand from the museum it helps me improve my reading and writing skills. It gave me benefits in what to do and the important information of what is needed to put into the stand.

The reason for visiting the museum is to perceive for the Exhibition Project, however, I was able to get many new design ideas concerning with interior. The museum is the best way to improve the visual imagination as we use our visual imagination to draw. I was much inspired by some lot of art from gallery such as ‘spin the dice’ the wood is used to create the four dices on the metal red stick. On the dice, it is about the lifestyle of the main character and what is their lifelike. Another design which inspired me for the stand design is that the pictures of the character and its information words are put into the box separately on the frame. The idea of the two designs influences me to create the design of the stand for the Exhibition Project which is the rectangular blocks with its character and the main information on each block.

Those design ideas help me think more widely and more creative about my project. Moreover, it helps me to see that I can put a lot of information and even the physical model on the board to helps the reader to understand more about the character and see what they did in their life physically.

Many people don’t normally visit museums, however, in my point of view, by observing the work of the others can refresh our brain and gives us more ideas and knowledge as well as a nice experience together with special guides of information. Going to the museum helps me to open my eyes to see more of the ideas of the art world and more interesting design ideas. As well as I get to know more of the history of art and how different our current art design and the previous art. Additionally, it also helps me boots my personal creativity and got to witness popular arts.

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